Dear boards,
It is almost time for the annual SOFv Cantus!
The cantus will take place on the 24th of February. The cantus will last from 20.00 to 23.00, which means we want you all to be present by 19.30 so we can start right on time! The cantus will cost a maximum of 15 euros and we serve soda or beer. Wine will not be a possibility. The cantus will take place in the clubhouse of Union soccerclub, at Kluissestraat 2 in Malden. After all secrets have been spilled and our throats are sore from singing, we will continue the party at Café de Fuik!🥳
The sign-ups for the cantus will open on the 10th of February at 12.00 and there will be 100 spots available, so sign up quick if you want to join us! 👀 The sign-up link will be made available in the Whatsapp group, on our Instagram story and via email. Note that you have to sign up and pay per board. If you already have secrets to tell or tea to spill, you can fill in this gossip form and tell all for the cantus praesidium to use as they please…🫖🙊
We hope to see you all at the cantus!!