Samenwerkingsoverleg Faculteitsverenigingen

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Switch GMA

oktober 9 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Dear members,

On October 9th, it is time for the last gma of this year, the Switch gma! Please note that the time for this gma is different than usual, because there are more things to discuss than usual. Walk-in will start at 18.00 and the gma will start at 18.30. Authorisations can be communicated by mailing to

During this Switch gma, the XXXIIIrd board will present their Annual Report and Financial Report, while the XXXIVth board will present their Policy Plan and Budget. After the gma, we will have a drink in de Ondergang. At 22.30, we will move to De Bieb to continue the After Drinks there!🥳

We are all very excited to see you at the gma and at the After Drinks!


the XXXIIIrd and the XXXIVth board💛💙


oktober 9
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm