Samenwerkingsoverleg Faculteitsverenigingen

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Workshop: Timemanagement for student board members

februari 14 @ 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Dear boards,

As a board member, you’ll undoubtedly encounter many opportunities and requests, but before you know it, you’ll be so busy that you no longer have time for yourself—let alone the things that truly matter to you. How can you prevent burnout during your board year? And how can you ensure that you still have time for yourself? For precisely that, we have organised a Wellbeing and Timemanagement Workshop for you all, specifically for board members!❤

This workshop will take place on February 14th and it has a Dutch and an English edition. The Dutch edition starts at 10:30, the English one at 12:30. The workshop is completely free!

The workshop will be given by David de Jonge, himself a former board member of a student association. He is working for Vita Community Nijmegen, an organisation that is committed to the wellbeing and the sense of meaning of students. During the workshop, he will guide you through a practical tool that helps you better assess when to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

We hope to see you all at this workshop and that you truly learn something from it! 💛💙

Sign up for the Dutch workshop here!
Sign up for the English workshop here!


februari 14
10:30 am - 2:00 pm