Samenwerkingsoverleg Faculteitsverenigingen


Main Sponsor | Bascafé – Café de Fuik

Bascafé and Café de Fuik are Nijmegen’s liveliest student pub and party bar! Every night is a party full of super cool promotions and the best deals. Paired with the best records and sing-alongs, these are the best places to spend your nights out! You can find SOFv after their gmas and activities at Bascafé or Café de Fuik! During these evenings, board members of member organisations of SOFv get a discount on their refreshments.

Sponsor | Molenstraat Nijmegen Events

The Molenstraat Nijmegen Events is part of K.O. Company which is a large company that own several bars in the Molenstraat. Bar 2, Café van Buren, Café Stretto, Drie Gezusters, El Sombrero , Heidi’s Skihut and De Bieb are all part of The Molenstraat Nijmegen. During national holidays the Molenstraat also organizes big events outdoors or events with famous DJ’s and bands inside the bars. The Molenstraat is also open to have your own parties or events organized in one of their bars.

Sponsor | Drukkerij Luxor

Students have a 10% Discount!